Eneloop were the first common brand to utilize the technology that allows for long storage life. So I did some research into the type of battery that Apple uses and found out that they are most likely an OEM re-branding of the Sanyo Eneloop batteries. Unfortunately, Apple does not sell their batteries separately.
#Recharge battery for wireless mac keyboard full
However, if you run an office full of wireless devices, the cost effectiveness of Apple’s Battery Charger goes down quickly if you purchase multiple units. Your spare batteries will be ready to go when you need fresh ones. But the main reason behind my recommendation is that the battery Apple uses is a low-discharge NiMH. For an individual this is a great solution, assuming your devices use AA batteries, as most keyboards and mice use 2 batteries each, leaving 2 spare for when you need them. For $29, I think this is a very good price for high quality batteries and a high quality charger. This may be a little confusing given the picture on the box only shows 2 batteries, but trust me there are 6 batteries in the box.
#Recharge battery for wireless mac keyboard plus
The first reason behind my recommendation is that this product comes with 6 batteries plus the charger for $29. My first recommendation is Apple’s Battery Charger – even if you don’t own an Apple brand device. It only shows two batteries, but there are six in the box! Unlike previous iterations of rechargeable batteries that lost their charge quickly, you can charge these batteries any time and they will be ready for use when you need them. The reality is that today’s new generation of low-discharge NiHM rechargeable batteries have resolved many of the issues that previous batteries suffered from. Low-discharge NiMH batteries hold their power on the order of months or years after charging. But the worst stigma associated with rechargeable batteries are that they don’t hold their charge and never seem to be ready when they are needed. Many people perceive rechargeable batteries as expensive and prone to failure. I believe many people stay away from rechargeable batteries because of misconceptions based upon past generations of rechargeable batteries. What I really recommend are a particular type of rechargeable battery called low-discharge Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH). So I don’t recommend buying these batteries except in a pinch. However, high performance batteries are more expensive than alkaline batteries and their cost will add up over time. For what it’s worth, the Apple devices usually come with Energizer Lithium brand batteries. If you need to purchase a non-rechargeable battery for your wireless devices, you should purchase the “advanced” or “performance” type of batteries such as the Energizer Lithium or Duracell Quantum brands. Plus it also seems that certain devices act inconsistently with regular alkaline batteries.
For an office full of wireless devices, this can add up very quickly. It seems they are replacing batteries in a device around every month or even more often. This is where most of my clients have gone wrong.
The first thing to realize is that most wireless keyboards and mice will eat regular alkaline batteries for lunch.
I am receiving questions from my clients more and more often asking about the best batteries to buy for their wireless gadgets. This seems especially true for Apple Macintosh users, as by default iMac computers come with wireless keyboards and mice, plus many MacBook users supplement their laptops with those same wireless devices. Given the proliferation of wireless keyboards, mice, and other computer peripherals, battery consumption has become an increasingly important consideration.